Tot Rock-N-Roll Tuesdays!

Tot-Rock-N-Roll-WebsiteThis fall we are starting a new program for your tots – Tot Rock-N-Roll Tuesdays! With the holidays coming and prep time needs to happen but it can be a struggle with small children that are bored and unruly, that can make a trip to the mall last longer than expected.

Add something new to your schedule instead of just play dates with the neighbors and a few hours of running around the yard – join us at Skate Station of Sumter for our Tot Rock-N-Roll every Tuesday morning this fall!

Tot Rock-N-Roll is just for parents and their little ones under 6. For one small price, you get hours of fun from 10am to 12pm. $4 Admission gets you a skate and ride pass including skate rentals, and for only $3 more, you can get our Tot Tuesday FunPack for $7 which includes a kid’s meal for lunch, Tot Tuesday activities and 4 game tokens!

For even more fun, we invite your kids to bring their trikes, scooters, strollers or push toys! Just no bikes or large power wheels!

We hope to see you and your tiny tots here every Tuesday! Be sure to follow along on FacebookGoogle+ and Twitter!

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